
Wedding Planning Made Easy

    In a world where technological advancements occur daily, it has made wedding planning easier. These technologies have allowed us to develop new ways of planning large events with ease. Everything from tablets and smart phone to the ease of flying across the world has helped make this an easier job. The use of the internet has allowed the bride to search globally for her dream dress. She is now able to order her decorations from other countries. With the advancements in refrigeration she is able to pick her flower arrangements up ahead of time without the worry of them wilting. The list technologies that add to the ease to plan an event could go on and on. As the big day gets closer, technology helps the bride’s preparation. Using any one of numerous devices she can create an electronic list of what she has left to do.  The night before big day there are only  four main cosmetic preparations that the bride needs to focus on, her hair, makeup, nails and shaving.

    Wedding Planning Made Easy

    • Technology has advanced hair care products. The bride no longer has to sit under hair dryers for hours on end. The bride has the option to dye her hair at home instead of having to wait to get into a salon. They styling products are now mandated by the FCC ensuring that the bride is using safe chemicals on her face.
    • Technology has now enabled the bride to do her own nails, right at home. Nail decorations are now able to be applied days ahead without any concern. The ultraviolet ray nail dryers set the nail polish in place.
    • Technology has made large advancements in hair removal as of late. Hair removal has gone from shaving, to lasers that temporary removal the hair to the ability to use lasers to permanently remove the hair. This permanent removal will ensure the bride looks great.
    • The advancements in makeup that will apply to the bride would be the large variety of colors.

    Come the day of the wedding the only thing left for the bride to deal with will be enjoying her wedding.